National security policy. Concepts, institutions, processes.

by Luciana Alexandra Ghica, Marian Zulean
Editura Polirom (2007), 328 pages
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„This volume offers a useful contribution to the study of national security policy in Eastern Europe, reminding us that while no magic formula exists, security studies fundamentally require intelligent and strategic discussions.” (Zbigniew Brzezinski)

Being a member of NATO and the EU, imposed in Romania, through the democratic principle of civilian control, specialization in “security studies” and “security policy”. Comprehensive manual profile,the work contributes both to the understanding of the theories and policies on the contemporary environment security, and to the understanding of institutions of national security, process and techniques of decisions.

Contents: National security policy as an area of public policies • National Security Strategy • International Relations between history, theory and public policy • American lesson . regional security. Contexts, agendas, identities • Democratic control of information services • Crisis management and international conflicts