An Eastern European view on great power politics- Egmont Commentary
Last July’s meeting in Helsinki between Presidents Trump and Putin greatly concerned the states of Eastern Europe. Helsinki is a highly symbolic venue for them, since this is where the CSCE Final Act was signed in 1975. The principal gain that the USSR claimed back then was the recognition of post-Second World War borders, while the advantage that the West claimed was the acknowledgement of human rights. Some argue that the latter was so important that it led to the defeat of USSR – an event that Putin considers to be the worst geopolitical catastrophe in Russian history.
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Aşteptându-l pe … Godet
Presupoziţia mea este că istoricismul şi istoricii domină politica externă, tot aşa cum geopoliticienii clasici domină politica de securitate, iar asta dăunează configurării unei paradigme complexe de înţelegere şi explicare a realităţii, de anticipare strategică şi construire a unei viziuni pentru acţiunea strategică.
Citeşte articolul integral pe site-ul Revistei 22.