Interviu Comunitatea liberala
Marian Zulean, sunteți una dintre vocile mediului academic cele mai consecvente pe tema controlului civil al serviciilor de informații. Vă propunem să începem această discuție de la regimul lui Vladimir Putin, fost ofițer KGB la Dresda în timpul URSS-ului, care acum conduce un regim controlat, potrivit analiștilor, de siloviki, respectiv oameni proveniți din serviciile militare sau de intelligence care au trecut pragul spre politică. Cum ar trebui să ne raportăm la această evoluție și cât de periculoasă este pentru standardele democratice interferența foștilor agenți din structuri de forță cu procesele democratice pentru cazul regimului lui Putin?
“Junta securista de la Academia de Stiinte ale Securitatii Nationale se ramifica intr-o retea de grupuri de interese aflata deasupra legii”
NATO Must Tackle Eastern Europe’s Defence Infrastructure Gap
As Russia flexes its muscles in the region, building up the far from robust defence infrastructure on NATO’s ‘Eastern Flank’ is vital – and will complete the region’s integration into the alliance.
„2% din PIB”: fake news pentru liniştea noastră
Dacă cineva întreabă despre riscurile de securitate, pregătirea apărării sau despre ameninţarea revizionismului rus, politicianul îţi va răspunde că „…2% din PIB”. O căutare pe Google ne lămureşte despre acest angajament cert al României, o spun cu emfază politicieni precum Liviu Dragnea, Mihai Fifor, Gabriel Leş sau Klaus Iohannis şi o amplifică jurnaliştii de serviciu. Şedinţa CSAT recentă nici măcar nu mai ia în discuţie direct această cifră, bugetul de securitate naţională (ce include şi bugetul serviciilor de informaţii şi al MAI) primind aviz favorabil, în şedinţa din 19 decembrie a.c Citeste articolul la:
Democratic control of Romanian intelligence after three decades: quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Romania faced one of the most dramatic transitions from authoritarian communism to become a democracy and a member of the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU). The backbone of building a democratic society has been civilian control of the military. This article briefly describes the norms and institutions of democratic control of the intelligence services in Romania and assesses how the mechanisms of democratic control have worked in practice after almost three decades of reform. We argue that many of the post-1989 reforms have been only superficial implemented and monitored, particularly after Romania joined NATO and the EU. The article concludes that the democratic control of intelligence in Romania is an unfinished business. There are structural shortcomings embedded in the process of democracy consolidation that need to be addressed.
Intelligence Sector Reforms in Romania: A Scorecard
Filed under: Anunturi, Articole recente, Publicistica
Since 1989, reforms have sought to align the Romanian post-communist intelligence community with its counterparts in established democracies. Enacted reluctantly and belatedly at the pressure of civil society actors eager to curb the mass surveillance of communist times and international partners wishing to rein in Romania’s foreign espionage and cut its ties to intelligence services of non-NATO countries, these reforms have revamped legislation on state security, retrained secret agents, and allowed for participation in NATO operations, but paid less attention to oversight and respect for human rights. Drawing on democratization, transitional justice,and security studies, this article evaluates the capacity of the Romanian post-communist intelligence reforms to break with communist security practices of unchecked surveillance and repression and to adopt democratic values of oversight and respect for human rights. We discuss the presence of communist traits after 1989 (seen as continuity)and their absence (seen as discontinuity) by offering a wealth of examples. The article is the first to evaluate security reforms in post-communist Romania in terms of their capacity to not only overhaul the personnel and operations inherited from the Securitate and strengthen oversight by elected officials, but also make intelligence services respectful of basic human
An Eastern European view on great power politics- Egmont Commentary
Last July’s meeting in Helsinki between Presidents Trump and Putin greatly concerned the states of Eastern Europe. Helsinki is a highly symbolic venue for them, since this is where the CSCE Final Act was signed in 1975. The principal gain that the USSR claimed back then was the recognition of post-Second World War borders, while the advantage that the West claimed was the acknowledgement of human rights. Some argue that the latter was so important that it led to the defeat of USSR – an event that Putin considers to be the worst geopolitical catastrophe in Russian history.
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Bugetul apărării: am un leu şi vreu să-l beu?
“Frontul” este la graniţa României, paradigma de securitate s-a schimbat, confruntarea marilor puteri este explicită iar noi pare că am luat ajutorul social şi mergem la cârciumă.
The Marian Zulean personal collection is an illustration of the fact that any act of cultural opposition is dependent on the societal context that generates it. It implicitly highlights the fundamental difference between Romania and other communist states in the last years of the period 1980–1989. The more than 400 newspapers, magazines, brochures and books, originating especially from the Soviet Union in the Gorbachev period, epitomise a reformist political discourse that had become relatively official in the rest of the Soviet bloc, but was considered dangerous by the Romanian Securitate.
“Apărare onestă”
”Apărarea onestă” este o metaforă ce ar trebui să definească o nouă paradigmă în managementul politicilor de apărare, conform unei analize propuse de Thomas-Durell Young în cartea Anatomia instituțiilor de apărare din țările europene post-comuniste. Mirajul modernizării militare. Cartea reprezintă încununarea experienței de o viață a unui cercetător și consultant militar de la Naval Postgraduate School (Monterrey, SUA), care a făcut peste 100 de analize și studii pentru RAND Corporation sau Pentagon, pentru NATO sau alte țări europene.